An Exciting Career with a Bright Future

“安全是, 我会说, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers – organizing your lives, staying in touch with people, being creative – if we don’t solve these security problems, then people will hold back.——比尔·盖茨

网络安全 is a career focus in computer science with strong demand today that is predicted to grow rapidly in the future.

According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics,  “Employment of information security analysts is projected to grow 28 percent from 2016 to 2026, 快得多 than the average for all occupations. Demand for information security analysts is expected to be 非常高的, as these analysts will be needed to create innovative solutions to prevent hackers from stealing critical information or causing problems for computer networks.”

To succeed in this field, students will need up-to-the-minute preparation: the latest coursework and training with the most powerful technology.  Thanks to a grant by the U.S. 部门. of 教育 第三章-A Strengthening Institutions program, Quincy University has constructed a dedicated 网络安全 Computer Lab and employed an experienced leader to construct a dynamic and robust curriculum.

课程s will feature such topics as:

  • Codes and Ciphers
  • 密码学
  • Intro to Databases
  • Applied Networks and 安全
  • Fundamentals of Information Assurance
  • Network Interconnection Technologies
  • Introduction to Local Area Networks
  • Fundamentals of Network 安全

Program and course information:

网络安全, BS

网络安全 Minor

Quincy University’s Division of Science and Technology is widely recognized for the professional accomplishments of its graduates.  Thanks to a highly favorable teacher student ratio and the resources of the Student Success Center, QU offers an unparalleled level of support to learners. A dynamic program of undergraduate internships and career services prepare students for a smooth transition from classroom to the workplace.

